Welcome to Dog-Aboard

Traveling with your dog can sometimes be tricky. From finding the right travel crate to getting your dog out of the water smoothly; it remains a challenge. Not anymore from now on.
At Dog-Aboard we have the appropriate solutions for all these moments; on land, at sea and in the air.
We focus on products that make traveling with your four-legged friend enjoyable, comfortable and safe. We therefore have a wide range of articles, with a focus on the specific wishes and requirements for each type of trip.
At Dog-Aboard we only have high-quality and innovative products in our range, aimed at the unique requirements associated with the type of trip. Think of: dogs en route by car, dogs on board the boat and dogs on board the plane.
We consciously choose high-quality materials that are easy to use and ensure a carefree journey. From a day trip to an intercontinental trip, it remains an enjoyable and relaxing experience for the whole family.

For the boat

When you go sailing with the dog, you quickly run into a number of things. How does your dog get off the boat easily to go for a swim? How do you get the wet doggy back on board in a decent way? How do you ensure that the drinking water stays in the tank, even while sailing? You have come to the right place at Dog-Aboard.


The Puplank is the solution for a smooth walk in and out of the water. The PupPlank is a solid, safe and durable inflatable ‘second deck’ that you simply hang behind the boat. You can also choose to use the Pupplank at a jetty, water quay, or even swimming pool edge.

The PupPlank is provided with a sturdy net construction, for a smooth entry and exit. The surface of the Pupplank is covered with a safe anti-slip layer. The dog will immediately feel safe and familiar on the PupPlank. The Pupplank is ready for use within four minutes, partly by using the supplied high-effective hand pump.

Everything you need to attach the versatile Pupplank is of course included, in a handy waterproof carrying case.


Feel free to contact us for your purchase. Dog-Aboard is a B2C and a B2B reseller for PupPlank for the EMAE area. With our base in the Netherlands we are more than happy to help you with your request.
